Believe that everyone will suffer from insomnia, insomnia or more or less trapped but on every one, go to bed at night suffer from insomnia, is a very painful things, many insomnia patients also can not find the right solution to the problem. So help improve what methods of insomnia? Small make up today to introduce the method of improving insomnia. A, before going to bed to calm down. In one of the two hours before sleeping out more than ten minute concentrate on the day things when you think about it, to how to deal with the question decision, and then the second day of work to do simply make a plan. This approach can help you reduce the worry, relax the brain, so that you can go to bed a very quickly to sleep. Second, insomnia don't sleep.polarized sunglasses If you wake up in the night after 15 minutes but can't go back to sleep, then turn on the radio listen to the radio, until a sleepiness and turn off the radio. Remember: whatever you sleep at night are good in the second day morning get up on time, even if it is not trying to mend the weekend also feel, because this kind of practice to overcome insomnia without any help. Three, before don't drink coffee don't smoke. Coffee, Coca Cola and chocolate contain exciting caffeine, so don't drink before you go to sleep, eat these things. In addition to smoke and easy to make a person excited, so must get rid of the habit of smoking before going to bed. Four, cultivate the habit of thinking before sleeping to stop. Before going to bed, listen to the tune tactful and slow music, or learn to listen to the sounds of nature, such as: the rain, insect, sound, and so on. Listen to the nature of the method will begin to do some hard up, but as long as we persevere can learn. Five, insomnia patients not drinking alcohol before bedtime. Some people to relax before you go to sleep like to drink wine, thought this could help sleep, actually this is wrong. To know alcohol to suppress the you of the central nervous system, also destroyed your sleep, a couple of hours, because alcohol you will wake up the stimulation of headaches. Six, insomnia, don't get into the habit of on the bed. You have only really feel sleepy when we went to bed, if you lie in bed for 15 minutes also can not sleep, then get up and do some drab and easy, for example: reading, weaving knitting wool, watch television or see family account book. Seven, insomnia and have something to eat before bedtime. Before sleep for an hour or two had a slice of bread and a fruit, or drink a cup of milk. But not to eat too much sweet things, because dessert easily to make people nervous. Eight, the evening for a walk to prevent insomnia. Long-term suffer insomnia can also take a walk in the evening, had better choose site near that occupy the home, not too long distance. For a walk can relax muscles, and make the body heat, usually when the body temperature come down, people will feel sleepy want to sleep. Nine, insomnia treatment available vinegar to soak the foot. To use vinegar to soak the foot is the important role of refreshment, the reason is that people are the root of foot, foot has many has important therapeutic value reflex zones,cheap oakley sunglasses through the warm water to soak the foot, vinegar can penetrate foot surface skin, accelerate human body's blood circulation, improve the ability of hemoglobin carry oxygen, improve body parts for fatigue and cause of oxygen state, strengthen the metabolism of each system, be helpful for carbon dioxide in the body and waste gas discharge, thus make human body to relax, eliminate fatigue. Ten, before a hot bath. People asleep in low temperature, and the day is the highest temperature, according to this theory, the person is in bed for two to three hours before a hot bath can help sleep, because a bath can be increased body temperature, wait to your sleeping time, your body temperature will drop down. 
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