The weather of the cliche goes, affect not only travel, and very easy to get sick, so in this cold and hot spring of the succession of the season to select the right health preservation methods, here and the small make up a few action health teach you deal with the method of wet weather. In recent days the spring rain, even the sun was in sight. This season, how should be keeping in good health? TCM holds that health is focused on: perturbation keep spirit; Continue to spring cover the early spring, prevent rheumatism; Proper sports, enhance immunity; To taste for compensation. Hot and cold drink more water alternately to alleviate discomfort with cold and hot spring of the succession of the strange phenomenon, in relative humidity as high as 90% of the weather, the wet moistureproof, the health care became the focus of people. The expert warns a citizen, cause a cold easily changeable temperature, gastrointestinal easy to produce discomfort, drink more water can rise to prevent and ease role. This season also needs to ensure sleep, also should eat more vitamin content rich green vegetables and fruits.NFL Hats Daily life continue to spring cover from rain solar term begins, rainfall will gradually increase, ShiXie gas also will come. As the saying goes "spring cover autumn aspic", usually before the cold weather, rain water temperatures have rebounded after, but often have "late". Especially for the weak people, the cold is still low temperature, temperature between day and night, change is big, very easy to catch a cold. So before and after the rain must pay attention to keep warm, don't early reduce clothing, lest catch cold catch cold, contrary to keep warm cold. Except to "night lying to get up early" outside, also calls for a more to outside for a walk, stretching, but unfavorable fierce sport. As far as possible light diet wet weather, diet to light, Fried, cooking method is easy to cause fire may also make human body to produce excess moisture. Even less eat sour taste, eat sweet taste, to keep the gas of the spleen. More health drink soup movement: spring fever and stretch this weather, more should exercise more, you can choose indoor aerobic exercise. Spring fever autumn lack, especially the spring afternoon, it's easy to feel tired, this time arm.i can ease.NFL hats They can promote the chest of human body organs the squeezing pressure on the heart also, is good for the heart full of sport, can make more oxygen supply each organization organ; At the same time, because of the upper arms, the activity, can make more oxygen blood supply to the brain, make the person feels awake and comfortable. A mood to spring a spleen meditation spleen spleen is very important. Keep spleen also want to meditation, to cultivate the spirit to give priority to. Calm, not HengNi diseases; Meditation raise, filling it, and nourishing spleen, raise to be spleen. This time the weather, must remain at peace, only in fitness sentiment, and improve the diet of spleen and effect will be significant. 
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