Different appearance on behalf of toxins hid in where, now, we want to find out toxins hiding place, cast it out of the body as soon as possible. In the Chinese view, we have a lot of toxin in the body, and those who can not be eliminated from the body, and to our body and spirit will produce the bad effect of a substance can be called "poison", such as blood stasis, phlegmy wet, cold, dyspepsia, gas yu, were mentioned. These toxins accumulated in within five zang-organs, will accelerate the aging completely, and then by the skin, bones and muscles for five, muscles, nerves also follow old together. · if liver with toxins performance in 1. The LengXian nails surface is convex, or down sag. TCM holds that "liver advocate muscle", nails is part of the "muscle", so toxins accumulated in the liver, nails and will have clear signal. 2. Appear hyperplasia of mammary gland, before the obvious increase of the pain of the breast. Breast belongs to the liver meridians online stronghold of the journey, once the liver of the "poison" exists, mammary gland hyperplasia occurs, especially in blood will out, because of the blood will fill and become pain obvious. 3. Emotional easy to depression. The liver is the body's organs mood regulation, once the liver is unable to discharge the poison, blocking the operation of the gas, can produce clear bad mood. 4. Migraine, both sides of the face long blain blain, also can appear dysmenorrhea. The face sides and the lower abdomen, liver and it is by the partner of the gallbladder to "a mu 3 distribute land", once liver detoxification not carefree,baseball hats their backyard would go to catch fire. How detoxification more smoothly 1. Eat green food. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine five line, the green food can access of diseases, have very good ShuGan, XieYu, ease emotional effect, belong to help hepatic platoon poison food. Traditional Chinese medicine experts recommend blue orange or lemon, even skin make it green green lemon or orange juice water, direct drinking. 2. Chinese wolfberry ascension of liver tolerated. In addition to detoxification besides, still should enhance the ability of liver resistance toxins. This kind of food-Chinese wolfberry, it has very good protect liver function, can promote the liver to the toxin tolerability. When edible chew to eat better, a small eat every day. 3. Press the hepatic platoon poison to acupuncture point. It is to point to point emmeniopathy, position in the foot back first and second metatarsal before taking the sag. Thumb knead 3 ~ 5 minutes, feel slightly acid bilges can. Don't use too much energy, two feet alternating pressure. 4. Tears detoxification method. Compared with never cry of the men, women live longer, and this can't speak and tears have relations. Traditional Chinese medicine, already had the understanding, and is confirmed by western medicine. As the liquid discharge of tears, with sweat and urine, it does have some harmful to the body of biochemical toxins. So, uncomfortable, grievance, depressive just cry when it out. And for the "optimists", the weekend afternoon watching a sentimental movies, let the tears flowed as the plot is a kind of active detoxification way. · if a heart the toxin performance in 1. Tongue ulcer. TCM holds that the relationship between the tongue and heart most closely, so long in the tongue ulcer, usually think that is the heart have internal fire, fire or poison. 2. Forehead breakouts. Forehead is under the jurisdiction of the heart a dependency, exuberant become a fire poison stores, the dependency also will boil, then appeared a lot of blain blain to break out. 3. Insomnia, palpitation. Heart is at non-stop work, when fire poison and could not be ruled out remain in the heart, sleep not safe. 4. Chest tightness or biting. Within the heart appears blood stasis also is a kind of toxins, as in traffic on the highway, some of the light is chest tightness, heavy some of the pain will appear. How detoxification more smoothly 1. Hardship discharge poison. Lotus seeds, however, is the core, it tastes bitter, can stores spread, although a cold sex, but will not damage the sun be the spirit of human body, so have always considered to be one of the best dissolve the heart of toxic heat food.buy sunglasses Can use the lotus seed core make tea, might as well add some of bamboo or born licorice, can strengthen the lotus seed core detoxification role. 2. Press the heart row poison to acupuncture point. It is to point to point less government, position in the palm, 4, and 5 metacarpal between, when the little finger ring finger and make slight pressure between. On this point, might as well use some force, alternately left and right. 3. Green beans diuresis discharges poison. Green beans can pass diuresis, heat to dissolve the toxin of the heart side by side, but eat green beans should be used when the form of liquid, for example green soya-bean milk or green bean soup, the effect will be sent LuDouGao some. Heart best detoxification time at noon 11 ~ 13 points of the heart is the strongest time, can eat some of the heart, and help the food of the row poison, such as tuckahoe, nuts, soy, black sesame seed, XiaoZao, lotus seed, etc. 
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